Para criar a imagem: $ docker build -t rodrigaosilvabr/ubuntudjango . Para executar a imagem: $ docker run -p 8000:8000 rodrigaosilvabr/ubuntudjango Dockerfile ################################################ # Docker para sistema SUAP # # Criado por Danilo Oliveira - Em 12/08/2016 # # Refactoring por Antonio Rodrigo # ################################################ # Usando a imagem do Ubuntu FROM ubuntu:16.04 MAINTAINER Rodrigo Santos RUN echo "# Upgrade apt" && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y RUN echo "# Instalando pacote aptitude" && apt-get install -y aptitude RUN echo "# Instalando pacotes essenciais" && aptitude install -y \ bash-completion \ git \ python-dev \ libpq-dev \ libssl-dev \ libldap2-dev \ libsasl2-dev \ python-setuptools \ build-essential \ libncurses5 \ libncurses5-dev \ python-imaging \ python-simplejson \ freetds-dev \ python-suds \ libxml2-dev \ libxslt-dev \ cython \ libblas-dev \ liblapack-dev \ libatlas-base-dev \ gfortran \ curl \ wget \ rsync \ openssl \ nginx \ supervisor RUN mkdir /var/log/gunicorn RUN touch /var/log/suap.log RUN chmod 777 /var/log/suap.log RUN echo "# Instalando pip" && easy_install pip RUN echo "# Adicionando usuario suap" && useradd -p abcd1234 suap ENV APPLICATION_ROOT /opt/suap ENV HOME /home/suap RUN echo "# Criando diretorio /opt/suap" && \ mkdir -p $APPLICATION_ROOT RUN echo "# Alterando as permissoes da pasta" && \ chown -R suap:suap /opt/ && \ mkdir $APPLICATION_ROOT/upload && \ mkdir $APPLICATION_ROOT/deploy && \ mkdir $APPLICATION_ROOT/deploy/sessions && \ chmod o+rw $APPLICATION_ROOT/upload && \ chmod g+rw $APPLICATION_ROOT/upload && \ chmod o+rw $APPLICATION_ROOT/deploy/sessions && \ chmod g+rw $APPLICATION_ROOT/deploy/sessions RUN echo "# Criando link simbolico" && \ ln -s $APPLICATION_ROOT/deploy/static/ $APPLICATION_ROOT/static RUN echo "# Instalando pacotes python" && \ pip install django==1.9.12 && \ pip install django-ckeditor==5.0.2 && \ pip install django_extensions==1.5.9 && \ pip install werkzeug==0.11.2 && \ pip install django-localflavor==1.2 && \ pip install git+ && \ pip install cython==0.19.2 && \ pip install feedparser==5.1.3 && \ pip install gunicorn==18.0 && \ pip install ipdb==0.8 && \ pip install mechanize==0.2.5 && \ pip install Pillow==2.8.2 && \ pip install psycopg2==2.5.1 && \ pip install pypdf==1.13 && \ pip install pymssql==2.0.1 && \ pip install python-ldap==2.3.13 && \ pip install python-dateutil && \ pip install reportlab==3.2 && \ pip install suds==0.4 && \ pip install xlwt==0.7.5 && \ pip install xlrd==0.9.2 && \ pip install xlutils==1.7.1 && \ pip install simplejson==3.3.1 && \ pip install django-tables2==1.1.2 && \ pip install django-tables2-reports==0.0.10 && \ pip install qrcode==4.0.4 && \ pip install docutils==0.11 && \ pip install sphinx==1.2.2 && \ pip install pycrypto && \ pip install pylint && \ pip install jinja2 && \ pip install djangorestframework==3.3.1 && \ pip install django-rest-swagger==0.3.4 && \ pip install python-magic && \ pip install pyquery==1.2.9 && \ pip install BeautifulSoup==3.2.1 && \ pip install git+ && \ pip install newrelic && \ pip install validate-email && \ pip install django-analytical && \ pip install django-staticfiles && \ pip install termcolor && \ pip install django-simple-history && \ pip install xmltodict==0.9.2 && \ pip install xlsxwriter && \ pip install numpy && \ pip install scipy && \ pip install pandas && \ pip install html5lib==1.0b8 && \ pip install redis && \ pip install django-redis-cache && \ pip install setproctitle==1.1.10 RUN echo "# Clean up APT" && \ apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* # Make ssh dir RUN mkdir $HOME/.ssh/ # Copy over private key, and set permissions ADD id_rsa $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa # Create known_hosts RUN touch $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts # Add ssh key for checkout of gitlab # junta as chaves públicas dos hosts para auxiliar na construção dos arquivos ssh_known_hosts # arquivos com os hosts que já se conectaram pelo menos uma vez ao servidor # ou aos servidores aos quais o cliente já se conectou] RUN ssh-keyscan >> $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts RUN ssh-keyscan >> $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts RUN ssh-keyscan >> $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts RUN ssh-keyscan >> $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts #RUN echo "# Configurando audit.log" && \ # touch $APPLICATION_ROOT/deploy/logs/audit.log && chmod 777 /opt/suap/deploy/logs/audit.log EXPOSE 8000 WORKDIR $APPLICATION_ROOT CMD ["/bin/bash"]