Tabela de conteúdos


Virtual Private Server - VPS, hospedado no Cluster VMware localizado na sala de maquinas do Ponto de Presença da RNP/PoP-CE. Atua como servidor de repositórios de código. O GForge é um fork livre do software de colaboração e gerência de projetos baseados na web criado para o SourceForge, o Savane. O gForge é licenciado sob a licença GNU/GPL e provê hospedagem de projetos, controle de versão (CVS/SVN/GIT/Mercurial), bug-tracking e troca de mensagens entre colaboradores dos projetos.

Configurações da VPS

OS: CentOS-release-6.6-amd64
Username: root
Passwd: 1Password @ Dominios -> -> HP BladeSystem -> gforge
vCPU's: 2
HDD: 80GiB

Software utilizados pelo serviço

Além dos fontes do gForge, disponiveis em seu repositório oficial, faz-se nescessária a instalação dos seguintes pacotes:



O gForge e suas dependencias podem ser instalados via yum: Baixando as dependências:

[root@gforge ~]# yum install php-gd php php-ldap php-eaccelerator php-common php-cli php-pgsql php-xml php-process php-pdo php-pe php-mbstring postfix mailman unzip

Baixando os fontes do gForge:

[root@gforge ~]# cd /opt/
[root@gforge ~]# wget
[root@gforge ~]# unzip
[root@gforge ~]# rm -f 
[root@gforge ~]# mv gforge-as-* gforge

Executando o instalador do gForge:

[root@gforge ~]# cd /opt/gforge/
[root@gforge ~]# chmod +x install_gforge; ./install_gforge
[root@gforge ~]# crontab ./
[root@gforge ~]# service postfix start
[root@gforge ~]# chkconfig --level 345 postfix on
[root@gforge ~]# /usr/lib/mailman/bin/newlist mailman
[root@gforge ~]# service mailman start
[root@gforge ~]# cd /opt/gforge && php /opt/gforge/bin/create_config_cache.php
[root@gforge ~]# php /opt/gforge/bin/create_config_cache.php

Estrutura de diretórios

Listar a estrutura de diretórios aqui:

Arquivos de configuração

Encontram-se no diretório /opt/gforge, os arquivos de configuração do gforge

Operando o serviço

Iniciando o serviço

Inicia-se o serviço do xxxx através do comando:

service httpd start

Parando o serviço

Para-se o serviço do xxxx através do comando:

service httpd stop

Reiniciando o serviço

Reincia-se o serviço do xxxx através do comando:

service httpd restart

Arquivos de configuração

//where gforge php code will be
//where gforge config will be
//where gforge data will be
//homedir prefix
//availability of the users tab
$config['usersTabAvailable'] = false;
//where language and config caches will be
$config['cacheDir'] = $config['varDir'].'/caches';
//where the gforge filesystem will store files
$config['filesPath'] = $config['varDir'].'/filesystem';
//where the plugins will exist
//session defaults
$config['defaultLanguage'] = 'en';
$config['defaultLanguageId'] = '1';
$config['sessionTimeout'] = 60*60*24*7;
$config['defaultTheme'] = 'gforge5';
$config['defaultThemeId'] = '1';
//Default time zone for new registered users
$config['defaultTimeZone'] = 'UTC';
$config['dbtype'] = 'postgres'; // postgres | mysql | oracle
// Whether to use a full "from" address on emails sent by the server
// (qmail may have problems with full addresses. If it doesn't like the addresses,
// set this to true)
$config['simpleFromEmail'] = false;
//only site admin register projects?
$config['projectRegRestricted'] = false;
//trove configuration
//enter the trove_cat_id of the root elements
//licensing enforcement
$config['trueTypeDir']='/usr/share/fonts/TrueType/'; // must end with "/"
// ldap authentication
// Whether to use more than one SCM server
$config['splitScmServers'] = false;
// New users need to be approved?
$config['approveUsers'] = false;
//text indexing path to "pdftotext" command
// Path to the doxygen code indexer
$config['doxygenPath'] = '/usr/bin';
//text indexing path to "wvText" command
//NIS - if the machine has accounts created with NIS
//if so, local users and passwords will not be created in /etc, 
//but /etc/groups will be created
$config['usesNis'] = false;
//redirect downloads - all downloads will be redirected
//to a separate vhost which will free up the php process and save memory
//the download vhost should have /var/lib/gforge/filesystem as the / directory
$config['redirectDownloads'] = false;
$config['redirectDownloadHost'] = '';
//used to validate usernames - rules may vary by organization
//used to validate passwords - rules my vary by organization
//additional ftp directories
$config['ftp_upload'] = false;
$config['ftp_upload_dir'] = '/var/tmp/uploads/'; // must end with "/"
$config['projectsVHostDir'] = '/home/groups/'; // must end with "/"
//mandate that everyone must login except when viewing homepage
// Export/Import configuration
$config['exportProjects']=$config['varDir'] . '/exportProjects';
//option to display a click-thru license on project registration page
//the text for this license should be in /etc/gforge/PROJECT_LICENSE
//option to display a click-thru license on user registration page
//the text for this license should be in /etc/gforge/USER_LICENSE
//single sign-on options
//the name of the variable in $_SERVER
//in some cases, the server var is like an email address 
//and you need only the first part
//in some cases, SiteMinder does not present the HTTP_SM_USER var
//the SSOServerVar can be in either user.unix_name or user.external_id
//in many SSO configurations, no password is stored in the database
//this value prevents search engines from indexing SCM full structure
//Enable captcha on user registration form
$config['useCaptcha'] = false;
// Whether the system uses an external NSS (Name Service Switch) that interacts with GForge (e.g. nss-pgsql)
$config['useNSS'] = false;
//Enable site wide project join requests
$config['allowProjectJoinRequests'] = true;
//Show developers on each project summary page, default true
$config['showDevelopersOnProjectSummary'] = true;
LoadModule dav_module         modules/
LoadModule dav_svn_module     modules/
LoadModule authz_svn_module   modules/
#Uncomment this to load MAG, comment out the previous line (authz_svn module)
#and make sure the authz_snv_module is not loaded in /etc/httpd/conf.d/subversion.conf
#LoadModule auth_gforge_module modules/
# For Git repositories
SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT "/gitroot"
<VirtualHost _default_:80>
	DocumentRoot	/opt/gforge/www
	ErrorDocument 404 /404.php
	<Directory "/opt/gforge/www">
		Options	Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews
		Order	allow,deny
		allow from all
	<Location "/gf">
		ForceType application/x-httpd-php
	#       mailman settings - may have to adjust
	ScriptAlias	/mailman	/usr/lib/mailman/cgi-bin
	RewriteEngine on
	RewriteRule ^/pipermail / [R=permanent]
#	Alias	/pipermail	/var/lib/mailman/archives/public
	<Directory "/usr/lib/mailman/cgi-bin">
		Options	Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews
		Order	allow,deny
		allow from all
	<Directory "/var/lib/mailman/archives/public">
		Options	Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews
		Order	allow,deny
		allow from all
	#	SVN Repository
	<Location /svn>
		ErrorDocument 404 default
		DAV svn
		SVNParentPath /var/lib/gforge/svnroot
		#Uncomment the following lines to use MAG
		#GforgeSysPath /var/lib/gforge
		#GforgeGroupsRoot /svnroot
      #Auth_PG_cache_passwords On
		# how to authenticate a user
		# comment out the following line when using MAG
		AuthzSVNAccessFile /var/lib/gforge/svnroot-access
		AuthType Basic
		AuthName "Document repository"
		# comment out the following line when using MAG
		AuthUserFile /var/lib/gforge/svnroot-authfile
		SVNIndexXSLT "/svnindex.xsl"
		# only authenticated users may access the repository
		Require valid-user
	# Git Repositories
	ScriptAlias /git/ "/usr/bin/git-http-backend/"
	<LocationMatch "^/git/.*/git-receive-pack$">
		ErrorDocument 404 default
		AuthType Basic
		AuthName "Git repositories"
		AuthUserFile /var/lib/gforge/svnroot-authfile
		Require valid-user
	<Location /git>
		Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks Indexes
		ErrorDocument 404 default
		AuthType Basic
		AuthName "Git Repository"
		AuthUserFile /var/lib/gforge/svnroot-authfile
		Require valid-user
	php_value	include_path  ".:/opt/gforge/lib/external:/opt/gforge/lib:/opt/gforge"
// This file generated by Propel convert-props target on Mon Nov  7 22:43:12 2005
// from XML runtime conf file /usr/share/pear/data/propel_generator/projects/gforge5/runtime-conf.xml
return array (
  'log' => 
  array (
    'ident' => 'propel-gforge5',
    'level' => '7',
  'propel' => 
  array (
    'datasources' => 
    array (
      'gf5' => 
      array (
        'adapter' => 'pgsql',
        'connection' => 
        array (
          'phptype' => 'pgsql',
          'hostspec' => '',
          'database' => 'gforge',
          'username' => 'gforge',
          'password' => '',
      'default' => 'gf5',



Lucas do Amaral Saboya 2015/04/06 12:14