Deploy keys allow read-only or read-write access to your repositories by importing an SSH public key into your GitLab instance. Deploy keys streamline interactions between your GitLab repository and another machine. For example, setting up a deploy key allows secure cloning of your repositories to a Continuous Integration (CI) server without setting up a fake user account.
Project maintainers and owners can add or enable a deploy key for a project repository:
On the top bar, select Menu > Projects and find your project.
On the left sidebar, select Settings > Repository.
Expand Deploy keys.
Specify a title for the new deploy key and paste your public SSH key.
Optional. To allow read-write access, select the Grant write permissions to this key checkbox. Leave it unchecked for read-only access.
There are three lists of project deploy keys:
Enabled deploy keys
Privately accessible deploy keys
Public accessible deploy keys
After you add a key, it's enabled for this project by default and it appears in the Enabled deploy keys tab. In the Privately accessible deploy keys tab, you can enable a private key which has been already imported in a different project. If you have access to these keys, it's because you have either:
Previously uploaded the keys yourself in a different project.
You are a maintainer or owner of the other project where the keys were imported.
In the Publicly accessible deploy keys tab, you can enable keys that were made available to your entire GitLab instance. After a key is added, you can edit it to update its title, or switch between read-only and read-write access.
If you have enabled a privately or publicly accessible or deploy key for your project, and if you then update the access level for this key from read-only to read-write, the change is only for the current project.